What is Sure Betting?
What is Sure Betting?

An explanation of sure betting – also known as arbitrage betting – and when it can be used, and why it is suited to football in particular.
Sure betting – also known as arbitrage betting – has become an increasing popular betting option in recent years, fuelled by the increase on online betting, and the introduction of software programs and digital calculators to support it. In a nutshell, it is a way to use the different odds offered by different bookmakers on the same event to make money.
It should be said at the outset that sure betting is not 100% guaranteed to make money. If it were, no bookmaker in the world would be prepared to offer odds, knowing that they would be certain to pay-out. However, carefully applied, it is one of the most risk-free betting strategies there is to be found.
It is known as arbitrage betting because it works similarly to arbitrage trading in financial markets. There traders are looking to exploit differences between future predicted foreign exchange and interest rates in order to try and make money; in sports betting, it is the difference in odds offered by varying bookmakers. It does not always success – there may be no market to be made, or the likely gains too marginal to be worth pursuing, but it can offer decent returns when the conditions are right.
Sure betting is not suitable for newcomers to sports betting, or those who are scared off doing the maths or are not prepared to invest in an online calculator or program. And it requires a serious investment of time to research the various bookmakers, and identify what odds they are offering on various events, either beforehand or in-play. It also means that you will need to open multiple accounts with the various bookmakers if you want to avail yourself of any opportunities which present themselves.
It needs to be understood that sports betting is not suitable for sports like horse racing, where the number of variables are just too many. However, it is ideal for football where there are only three possible outcomes to any match – win, lose, or draw.
Sure betting is best explained by way of an explanation. Imagine that Manchester City are plying Liverpool in the Premier League, and you want to bet on Over/Under 2.5 Goals. Before the start of the match two bookmakers may be offering the goals for over 2.5 goals. However, as the match progresses without score, both bookmakers will increase the odds for over 2.5 Goals, but not necessarily at the same rate. Bookmaker A will offer 2.15 and Bookmaker B 2.05.
This is the moment to act. Place a bet of €100 on each, and, depending on the number of goals scored, you will either have won €5 or €15.
At a more detailed level, you could take the same football match and bet on a win, a draw and a loss with different bookmakers to ensure that you earned a profit regardless of the outcome. This is where the maths or detailed program is needed, however, as you would need to carefully calculate the odds on offer to make sure that you do not accidentally make a loss.
Speed is also of the essence with this strategy. Odds can change every two or three minutes, and you need to be able to identify opportunities when they arise and make decisions fast.
It should also be noted that sure betting is really only profitable when done on a large scale across a number of matches. The amount to be made of any one game is marginal, and may not be worth the time and effort involved.